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2012-07-20 - 7:23 p.m.

hello, remember me? I have been swimming under water for a while. I suppose I could have posted, I certainly found enough time to watch shows on the computer, something my son claims I do too much. "Mommy, you can't just watch shows on the computer, you have to play games too". Of course I don't like playing the video games, I prefer less interactive relaxation. I haven't wanted to write because I didn't want to think. Every day I would think "I should post" and every day I would work, fix dinner, put the kid to bed, watch a couple shows and go to bed later than My Darling likes. Day after day. Some days I worked both jobs, the temp lab job and waitressing leaving the house around 6 am and returning after 8 pm. I would walk my sleepy, partially awake child out to the car and into the daycare and then I would kiss my sleeping child when I got home. Didn't really like that. Makes me appreciate the years I had more time with him. It's time for me to return to work though, he will be in school and I would not see much of him anyway, I need to make more than I can as a waitress. I went to college, it's supposed to guarantee I make good money but of course it depends on the economy too, not just education, a sorry reality young people are discovering as the stand, with diploma in hand facing a 20% unemployment rate, and with all those student loans to repay. My temp job is over, today. I am sad but I am also happy because people were sorry to see me go. It's nice to be missed.

My waitressing job is lagging on getting me back on the schedule because my boss didn't believe me when I said I was coming back because they extended me twice, I can't really blame him there. This means I will have possibly an entire week off (except for the evenings, I will still work Mon and Tues evening.) There is a whole lot I could do around here. If I approached the house like I do my work I could accomplish quite a bit. Of course I don't have the kid around at work. He is already pretty independent though. I'm sad for him sometimes, that he doesn't have the neighborhood kind of thing I grew up with but then I remember I didn't have such a great time with the girls in the neighborhood. Maybe he is better off being alone rather than trapped with people who don't like him.

In other news, we have a broody chicken. After trying to get her off the nest we finally gave up, got some fertile eggs, tucked them under her and she is setting. Around three weeks from now we should have little chicks scurrying about. The place we got the eggs from sells chicks and eggs normally but the heat keeps him from shipping either so he just traded the eggs for some infertile ones from our chickens. Let me tell you, he has some pretty chickens. Hopefully we get a few lookers. And a rooster maybe.

My running is not consistent and the race is next weekend so I'm guessing I'm not going to do great but who knows, I did have fun last year I just couldn't breathe, too hot out and my breath was off. Maybe this year will be better for that. I run best in the cool morning or evening. Unfortunately I usually have to run right after work in the worst of the hot. I really can't wait until the kid is old enough to come along. He can ride his bike but not on our dirt roads so we would have to find someplace safe for him to bike and me run. I'm thinking we could try out a somewhat local subdivision. It's pretty large so people wouldn't necessarily know we don't belong and the kids there ride all over oblivious which means the adults watch for the kids rather than the kids watch for the cars. Safe enough for a runner and her biking kid. I hate having to squeeze in a run between work, making dinner and other chores.

Dutifully avoiding current events because they make me alternatingly sad and angry with a smattering of heartache for what we have become and the awful road we are trodding. Much better to natter on about jobs, chickens, running and such. Oh and gardens! I forgot about my garden which is actually holding it's own against the weeds this year, so far. I have harvested green beans, hungarian peppers, banana peppers and will soon bring in a cucumber. The tomatoes are not growing uniformly but there are some that have simply taken off, I expect many good thing (100 of them actually) from the sweet 100 cherry tomato plant. There are many more pepper plants (green, red, jalapeno and serrano) as well as runner beans, squash, pumpkin pickling cukes and possibly cabbage and cauliflower. Every day I knock down (pull) a few more weeds. Maybe with my days off I can give the tomatoes some breathing room.

Yeah,nothing to be sad about here, nothing here but us, and chickens.

I wish you Peace


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