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2011-11-17 - 8:37 p.m.

Tomorrow is my birthday. I can't believe I am as old as I am. So many years were wasted and now I just hope i will have enough left to see my little boy become a man, and perhaps have children of his own. I'm old enough to be a grandma but I am behind the times. I recently had a conversation with my father (who started his family early, at 20) about how you measure your age. I think without children it is hard to feel old. Before my son I felt the same as my much younger friends, we had a similar life experience mine was just longer. Even my first marriage didn't leave me feeling old, although I was already old when it ended. I was, of course, far too old for My Darling and having a child seemed irresponsible. But here I am almost 8 years later, with a new life complete with loving husband, beautiful little boy and still feeling younger than I am.

I will be, gulp, 48 tomorrow.

How does that makes me feel?

Wow!, I mean just wow!

I wish you Peace


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