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2008-02-29 - 12:12 p.m.

As expected the doctor wants tests, blood tests and the joy of all, a lower endoscopy. That�s the trouble with doctors; they want to know what�s wrong before they panic. I on the other hand am full of all sorts of rolling emotions. I tried to get lost in remodeling (well really just refreshing) the bathroom but ran out of spackle. Baby Boy is sleeping so I can�t dash out and get some, so much for distraction. At least I don�t have to go to work tonight. I can clean the kitchen, yes, that will kill a few minutes.

I did share my fears with My Darling, the short dry-eyed kind of sharing. It is my experience that men do not handle tears well. They especially feel bad when they can�t pull out a tool and fix it for you. I called a couple of friends out west but they weren�t there and so far haven�t called back. It�s still early there but I think they just won�t because there is nothing they can do either. There is nothing to be done but wait.

I�m feeling better today and if I can just keep focused on something else I will be OK until I know what I�m dealing with.

I�m going to the kitchen now, tidying to be done.

BTW, if anyone has any pull with their favorite deity could you stop the snow; come on already, it�s almost March (Happy Leap Year).

I need some sunshine.

I wish you Peace


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