
 photo Asian-Banner.gif

2008-02-06 - 11:51 a.m.

I�m feeling better today. Some days are better than others. I had to apologize to one of the youngsters at the restaurant. I was angry last Thursday over the tipping situation and I took it out on her. I was justified in being upset over her previous behavior but I had no right to take my anger out on her. Sometimes I hate doing the right thing, especially when I know she won�t understand me.

I paid bills today. I had enough to pay my bills so I feel better. It�s still cold out but the sleet has stopped. Winter is not my best time. I wait for the sun and the warmth. I long for the feel of the dirt between my fingers, spring could not arrive soon enough for me.

Baby Boy is five months old. Five months! He is beginning to take interest in everything around him. He rolls all over the floor exploring the parameters of his world. What a world he lives in; everything brand new and exciting. He squeals and giggles all over the place. When he isn�t exploring he is napping, what a life!

I just found out we are expected to get 10 inches of snow today and tonight. Crap! Damn groundhog, six more weeks of this crap. It won�t last forever though. Spring has got to come just as sure as winter will come round again. .

The party for my folks was a huge success. Everyone loved the slide show, entertainment and of course Baby Boy. It was a good thing I styles my hair in an up-do since tons of pictures were taken of the back of my head. With Baby Boy tucked over my shoulder it was the only shot anyone was interested in. My Dad was bursting with pride over our effort and his newest grandbaby. All his friends claim he bubbles with enthusiasm every time he talks about Baby Boy. Grandma was happy as well. She was the lady in red, my Dads favorite color. They looked so happy together. I guess that�s what makes a long term relationship. The petty stuff gets discarded and only the love remains. If I take nothing else from their long marriage then that would be the lesson. My Darling irritates me from time to time (as I am certain I irritate him) but in the end we love each other. He is a wonderful Dad and he makes me happy (when he isn�t pissing me off). That�s the reality of relationships isn�t it? There are people in your life that get to experience you in all your glory; good bad and� well worse. Still through it all they love you. They are your best friend, your lover and the person, who makes your life real, makes your view truth. It�s not that you don�t exist without them but somehow they make you feel part of something. We are a family My Darling my Baby Boy and I and if I do nothing else in this world I have been a part of something important.

What do you think of the new format? They just take over your world for a while, don�t they?

I wish you Peace


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