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2008-01-17 - 12:11 p.m.

Once again it�s been forever since I�ve found the time to post. I was busy with my parents anniversary gift (digital slide show) and then I got the flu (nasty little bug this time around) and I�m still suffering the lingering effects. On top of all this we are having our realtor and financier over for dinner tomorrow and I�m working feverishly to clean and finish painting so I won�t be embarrassed by how the place still looks. It�s not that we haven�t done a lot but there is still so much to do.

I made my first trip to the ER with Baby Boy. He was suffering the bug the same as My Darling and I but being so tiny I was afraid he would get dehydrated. He got so lethargic and not himself I got worried. Of course by the time the PA got into the room Baby Boy was back to himself, giggling and happy. So many people had stopped by the room to see the �cute baby�. I wonder sometimes if my view of his attractiveness is just the Mommy eye then people line up to see him. I hope he doesn�t get a big head; I hate guys who think so much of themselves. Mommy loves him to the moon and back. He is on the way back to full health, only a little baby cough is any indication of his sickness. He is right on the edge of crawling swimming and reaching for toys. Soon I�ll be chasing him around (time to buy the gates I think). Our home is a tri-level so while the stairs aren�t huge there are two sets and moving from family room to kitchen involves transversing stairs. Once he is mobile running to the kitchen will not be nearly as easy as it is now. My SIL can work in the kitchen and watch her baby boy in the living room but I will be moving my Baby Boy around the house with me. I suppose on the bright side I will continue to get in shape.

Uh oh, someone needs to be fed�BRB.

Wish I could share more but time management requires me to get to painting so as to be finished before I must ready for work. I promise I�ll post again soon.

I am a

What Flower
Are You?

I wish you Peace


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