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2007-11-28 - 9:14 a.m.

I am on the search for a lawyer again. New information from my old job has encouraged me to try again to find someone to take the case. They have hired a replacement (a man) and when the past president and CEO of the company (still on the board) inquired about why I �left� he was told I was offered the additional workload and I wasn�t interested. He was told I wanted to spend more time with my baby so I quit. What a crock. They also hired someone to help with training, another position I could have taken since I have industrial training experience as well as educational teaching experience. I also worked as a mechanic so they can�t say I have no auto experience. I was pushed out because I was a woman with a child. The new president doesn�t like women because he thinks they take too much family time. He also feels a woman�s place is in the home with the baby. He scoffed at the idea that My Darling could care for our baby (citing his own incompetence as example of why men can�t care for children). I am still angry that I was forced out. My co-worker is also being forced out. She thinks that if I sued they would settle since they know they are wrong and were advised by legal counsel not to push out a woman while on maternity. Wish me luck.

Last night was a busy night at work. I made good money for my 5 � hours (still not as good as above job.) Of course I earned the money on 4 � hours but I closed so there was much to do after the doors were locked. I was accused by one young server of singling her out and �picking on her�. I patiently explained that I was supposed to make sure everyone did their �out� (work that needs to be done in addition to serving before leaving for the night). She cited another evening where a girl left before completing her work and I admitted that it happened but I am a new closer and just learning the task. I will make mistakes but I will make sure that never happens again. Another server thinks I pick on him because I make him reclean until he gets it right and just before this young girls accusation I made another server refill the sugar bin to assure that this young girl would have enough to fill the restaurants sugar caddies as part of her out. Everyone must do their part. Honestly though I am focused on her a bit because I know she doesn�t do the entire job. It is a horrible out (I do it myself two nights a week) having to wipe every dessert card (7 per table) in the restaurant, fill all the sugar caddies, salt and peppers on every table. I hate it but it is the job and so I do it. She hates it too but instead she does a little bit and calls it done. What galls me somewhat is she is very vocal about her Christian status. �I�m Christian� she says, �so I have to be Christian in everything I do� which doesn�t include honesty and responsibility evidently. She lies and then accuses me of picking on her. Luckily for me the manager supports me and spoke to her and the others about my integrity and personal responsibility toward my job whatever it may be. No one must watch me closely because if it�s my job I will do it and then some. I prefer honesty and integrity without any claim to moral superiority based on fear of eternal retribution. I do right because it�s the right thing to do.

PS Please don�t leave me �Have you found God?� cards tucked in my tip. This is the 21st century, the electronic age, I know about your belief and I don�t subscribe. I don�t need you to �save me� in the course of your evening out. Just leave me a reasonable tip and call it a day.

Tomorrow we will have a TV service installed. I, personally, could live without but my Darling is found of nature and educational stations and we have no access with our antenna (that�s right folks we have been hooked up to the antenna perched on the roof of our new home since we moved in). I can count on one hand the number of times I have turned on the TV since we have been here. Not that I am any better than he I just spend my time on the internet (so I am as dependent on Internet service as he is the TV service). He is an internet junkie as well being somewhat (OK a lot) younger than me he grew up with computers where I didn�t really start using them until Wind0ws NT for a job of mine and didn�t have internet until a year before we met. I was one of �those� people who thought the internet was all about porn and chatting, a place for kids. Boy was I wrong. This is the only journal I have kept consistently for any length of time my whole life.

By the by, someone from MI has been visiting here lately. Not that I mind but I am awful curious as to whom. Of course you are free to lurk but if you are inclined I would like to say hello.

Baby Boy has just gone down for his morning nap so I must be off. My car is leaking oil and I have to get my car up on the ramps and take a look. It�s a shame that it is so cold but this must be done as we can�t afford to lose a car and besides how could I lift my head up knowing I can fix cars and running the thing into the ground. It�s bad enough I haven�t checked the oil in a while and only my Darlings finding the spot on the garage floor let me know there was a problem. Bad me.

Take care all.

I wish you Peace


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