
 photo Asian-Banner.gif

2007-11-08 - 3:36 p.m.

Good News:

There is nothing major wrong with the furnace it just needs to be cleaned.

Bad News:

I just paid $75 to find out that cleaning isn�t covered by my home warranty.

Good News:

My husband�s medical benefits will kick in retroactively to when my benefits ceased.

Bad News:

The plan isn�t nearly as good as mine was and will cost more out of pocket.

Good News:

Business is picking up at the restaurant and I have begun training and thus receive training wage whether I am actively training or not.

Bad News:

My new pay rate is a dollar more than waitress minimum (for MI that�s $2.65 per hour) so I am still averaging less than $10 per hour (makes a girl consider courting the devil, can you say Wally world?

Good News:

I found a recipe for Chip0tle�s Cilantro rice.

Bad News:

I still don�t have a good Carne Asada recipe.

Good News:

I�m feeling a little better.

Bad News:

It�s 3:30 and I still have to shower, feed the baby and drop him off to his aunts before work.

Gotta run, more tomorrow.

I wish you Peace


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