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2007-08-31 - 1:57 p.m.

Baby watch 2007�

The latest trip to the Doctor gave no indication as to the imminent arrival of the alien. After reaching into parts previously of a far more private nature I was rewarded with his pronouncement of 1 cm dilated 20% effaced which in labor and birth world is no where near ready to pop. Actually I think he was being generous and just didn�t want to tell me I was subjected to the embarrassing examination only to find no change. He is the second Doctor in the practice to agree with my prediction of several days past my due date and ~ 8lbs.

The only upside is at least idiot boy won�t be right. Speaking of idiot boy, he�s got a new idiotic plan. He can�t get a job as a trucker (because he�s not a good driver and has several accidents on his record � none were his fault of course � right!) so he has decided to become a mechanic. That�s right, an auto mechanic. Now I spent two years working as an auto mechanic and tire tech and I can tell you that he will not be able to do the job. I was in top shape, I�m pretty smart and I had my tools and my ex-husbands tools and I could not have made a career out of it. Mechanics are generally paid a Guarantee equivalent to ~ $10 an hour or Commission whichever is higher. One must do one�s time at the bottom of the totem pole eking out a poor living with low paying jobs while the senior mechanics get the money jobs. The shops have to take care of their top performers because young men show up all the time claiming to be able to fix cars but even a certificate doesn�t assure that you are any good. My ex was ASC certified and just barely competent. You are also expected to show up with all your own tools (an expensive investment). Idiot boy will no doubt either expect my parents to buy him tools or fall into the Mac tools or Snap-on trap where you finance the tools and end up spending $50 for a wrench. They catch young men all the time collecting money for a year or so and then repossessing when the guy can�t pay anymore. Half the guys I met were still in debt to one or the other (or both) even years into working. It would have taken me at least 5 years to become fully certified and climb up the ladder and I still would not have made the money I can make doing software support (which doesn�t come close to what I could make as a Field Service Engineer). I suggested he study computers more than 10 years ago (he was in a college based computer class when he was in high school, he gets computer hardware) but he wanted to be a trucker. Now after failing in that we again suggest computers but no he wants to be a mechanic (with a bum arm and leg he is considered permanently disabled).

Ladies and Gentlemen may I present the new KING of the IDIOTS!! My brother idiot boy.

My poor parents.

Marme just called, she is signing me up for a formula give away. Formula, diapers, all sorts of baby products manufacturers will give you samples and free gifts for trying their products. I just keep forgetting to sign up. Lucky for me my Mom has time on her hands (when my idiot brothers kids are in school). My parents want to help with the move but are quick to remind me that they can�t come during the week or longer than the weekend because of the kids. Mind you my brother is completely out of work and able to take his kids if necessary but no, he isn�t responsible enough so I can�t get help from my family except as a quick weekend trip because idiot boy can�t even be trusted take his own kids for a week. Oh well, it�s always been that way so I shouldn�t get upset over it.

House watch also 2007�

No news, I have placed my prediction with the realtor and I�ll let you know how it turns out. I suspect the man-boy sellers realtor (50+ and I swear you think he was early twenties by his actions) didn�t call the bank (I�m afraid I�ll piss them off, he says, you call and say your me�OMG are you twelve?) yesterday and today (the Friday before a holiday weekend) Bankman will be off on a long weekend. This means the first we shall hear is Tuesday (the original closing date, no kidding) more like Wednesday or Thursday (my due date).

I�m I coming across as cranky? I�m not really. I�m not comfortable but Most of the above is just typical, you know, same Sh*t different day.

Most of my time now is spent working or hoping my baby boy is normal.

At least it�s Friday. My Darling will work tomorrow (OT) and that will blow most of the day (I might visit the pool or take a walk but there won�t be much I can do.)

Sunday we must try and do something, picnic maybe, out in the sunshine. I need more Vitamin D I tell ya.

I wish you Peace


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