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2007-08-17 - 5:28 p.m.

I feel kinda like I just finished my first day at a new school. Once the phone issues were worked out I was able to receive and respond to everything pretty well. We may need to make arrangements for faxing (I have an all in one so technically I can fax from home but I don�t have a dedicated line). I suspect it may take a bit to work out the kinks but the higher ups are already seeing the advantage of having someone working from home. For one thing we have neglected our west coast customers for years (especially in the summers when we close on Friday at 3 pm EST. This means our west coast folks need to get us on the phone before noon their time or wait until Monday for assistance. Since I have the set up at home I can work later (yes they are going to pay me extra) and if it turns out to be really popular my return after the baby is born, which is scheduled to be part time, might be skewed late. I may even be allowed to work from home part time once I return full time.

I do find myself more focused on the work that usual but I have to remember to get up and walk around more (something I do regularly at work in part because I am so uncomfortable). I am in a more comfortable position here but I still have to move around just the same.

The day wasn�t all that busy but I found things to do just as though I were at work. I can think of a few additions I wouldn�t mind making to my home office. First of all my lap top currently sits on my lap which isn�t the best place for it. I have it balanced on a tray (normally used to hold my dinner plate when eating in the living room) and it doesn�t really sit right. I might like a tilt table (portable table desk) for the computer and mouse. Part of my sectional reclines and that is nice, and the end table fits next to the sectional and holds my new work phone, headset and phone contact notepad. I rearranged the layout a couple of times but I think what I have now will work.

Oh, I also need to eat more. At work there is a running joke about my feeding but I guess it must be the atmosphere (rather than the time of day like I thought) because here it is the end of the day and I didn�t eat all that much today. I�m hungry but have no desire to get up and eat. Wonder what that�s all about. I don�t mind eating at work (in fact I can�t imagine not eating) but here I am not eating just the same as I find myself doing on the weekends. I should investigate this further (or maybe I just need to clock watch and force feed.) It�s the same as the water drinking thing. I�m so much better at hydrating at work than at home.

In a few minutes My Darling will walk through the door, home from work for the weekend. He opted for OT today rather than tomorrow so that I could have the place to myself the first day of at home work and so we could have two whole days this weekend. Of course I�m too big to do much fun stuff but maybe a nice walk and/or a little shopping could suffice. Just as long as I get a nap in there somewhere (I feel like such a slug but what else am I going to do, the boy just weighs me down.)

Last but not least, I am really amazed at how my Baby boy has managed to carve out a little cave in my side. He�s got his butt tucked up under the right side ribs and his foot keeps tapping my kidney on that side. He doesn�t seem to ever switch to the left side and no amount of coaxing will get him to slide from the right to the left. Even friends who have been pregnant seem amazed when they see his little foot snake over to my right side and tickle my kidney. Crazy boy.

Nothing else new, just waiting on all the other fronts.

Have a nice weekend everyone.

I wish you Peace


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