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2007-08-17 - 11:20 a.m.

So here I am working from home. It�s really nice not to have to dress up and drive 40 min. to be at work but of course there had to be a crisis, things couldn�t go too smoothly. Our VOIP system set up at my home wasn�t working this morning (worked fine yesterday and the day before but today, the big test day, it�s crashed). The provider is working on the problem but if this isn�t resolved quickly and efficiently I believe they will reconsider the option of internet based phone and I don�t know how that will affect my at home status. We found a way around the problem and so far I have been able to do my job but not nearly as easily as we had hoped.

As for working at home, I guess the down side is there is no interaction with co-workers that lightens the day when things are slow and I suppose the same will be true when it�s crazy (although I will probably be too busy when it�s busy to even notice.) I like my co-workers and they do make the day more pleasant.

The quiet is nice. Earlier there was a little dog barking in the building and I could hear it through the fireplace but he must have taken himself off for a nice nap.

Today is a short day so I won�t have to work right up to five. I should also have some more renewals to do this afternoon. There are lots of little tasks I do when the phone doesn�t ring when I am at work and being at home doesn�t change that. Actually, other than this little post I have been more focused on my work than I normally am because there are no real distractions.

Maybe I�ll post a little more after lunch.

I wish you Peace


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