
 photo Asian-Banner.gif

2007-08-15 - 1:23 p.m.

Too hot, too cold, can�t get comfy, seems to be the song right now. No matter what I do I�m not going to be able to get comfortable until after I have passed this rather large parasite. It still amazes me how far back he can get his foot crammed into my abdomen. I swear he kicks me in the ribs. My SIL was 43 weeks when they induced her (I am 36 weeks). I can�t imagine another 6-7 weeks of this. Of course it would suit my Darling just fine since we are still awaiting word from the bank as to the acceptance or rejection of our bid.

I called the sellers realtor and asked if he had told the bank �our situation� and he said he had not. He said he wished he were working with a woman cause he might be able to get somewhere with that be he is talking with a guy. I asked him to mention it anyway, after all you never know; he might have a soft spot and a dozen kids. At least he would know we are bugging because we need a place for the baby not just cause we are impatient. He didn�t sound convinced and I�m not sure he will do anything but I tried and that�s about all I can do. I would have cried but I�m at work.

I�m riding into work with one of my co-workers since my eyesight and posture make driving a little scary for me right now. I�ll be happy once I don�t have to drive even to my co-workers house and home again. The hospital and Dr.�s office is right around the corner from my apartment so that won�t be so bad.

I just feel as though I�m at a standstill which in a way I am. It�s a little like clicking up the roller coaster. I know there is going to be this incredible downward rush followed by lots of speed, twists and turns coming but right now all I have is the anticipation of the ride.

I can almost hear the clicking and see the crest ahead. I both long for and dread cresting the hill. Lucky for me I have no control over it and so I sit, buckled in, and trying to remember to breathe.

I wish you Peace


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