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2007-08-01 - 7:54 a.m.

Last night, late (well late for this pregnant lady) I got a call from our realtor with less than good news. Seems our caseworker at the bank, the one who said all you need to do is resubmit an offer that meets the accessed value and I'll approve the sale neglected to mention last week that he was going on vacation this week. I don't know if we could have had everything to him by friday if we had known but I damn sure would have tried. Instead we must wait until Monday, until he returns, since no one at the bank can approve the sale but him. This pushes everything back another week, another week closer to the arrival of my Baby boy. Another week we won't have to put things in order and get the house livable before we try and live in it.

My Darling was already asleep and I sure didn't want to wake him for the news. He still doesn't know because I haven't had the opportunity to tell him. I just sat there on the phone with the realtor and cried. I'm so tired of this house stuff stretching on and on. The realtor asked if I wanted her to start looking again and I told her no. If this house doesn't go through we are done for a while. I don't want to be looking for a house and having a baby (or even caring for a newborn) it's just too much. If this place falls through we will wait until next year and try again.

I hung up the phone and cried some more. Then I wnet back to bed and tried not to cry there. Then I remembered that My DArling was there and as I moved closer he put his arms around me and I felt better. Then this morning I read of someone else's troubles and realized that things can be so much worse, in fact things have been so much worse for me in the past. I have seen the bottom of the pit and so as bad as I might feel about this set back I have to view it for what it is, a set back. This isn't the end of the world.

I'm done with tears over this. Instead I will focus what is within my control and let the rest happen as it may.

I wish you Peace


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