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2007-07-31 - 7:19 p.m.

Quick update in the baby making department.

34 weeks

34 cm = Normal

Baby�s heartbeat = normal

Weight = same as last appointment which is OK cause baby is still growing (see 34 cm).

He is head down (Yay!!) and will hopefully stay that way.

Two more weeks before next appointment then it�s every week until he pops.

Work is prepping for the work from home stint and paperwork will soon be presented for disability (duration of which is open for discussion dependent on how I feel once I start working from home and how the birth goes, complications and the ilk).

Baby Boy is still rolling around all over the place and kicking me in the kidneys but according to the Doc he�s gonna run out of room soon and that means less rocking and rolling.

House department

The Lady in Florida (B**ch) didn�t overnight the papers after signing and the bank just got them faxed yesterday so nothing on the house yet. It should just be a technicality and I should have good news tomorrow.

That�s all I have. I�m going to see if I can stay awake long enough to read a chapter of Potter.

Sweet dreams all.

I wish you Peace


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