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2007-07-30 - 11:30 a.m.

Here I am back to work and I must admit I�m not liking it one bit. I sit here wondering when I will be able to stay home in comfort and do my job and when I can stop working all together while I wait. I never thought I would feel like this. I get bored so very easily so I fully expected to want to work straight up to the birth. The main problem is I�m tired and being here (getting here and the discomfort of the clothing I must wear) is more than I care to experience right now. I want to be lounging around in comfy pants and a cotton T not to mention able to take a nap when I please.

This weekend was pretty relaxing except for Sunday afternoon when no amount of attempt in the afternoon would bring about sleep. I whine about being able to nap but when I had the time and inclination this weekend it simply wouldn�t happen.

Saturday evening we picked up the crib and changing table and let my MIL know we would be bringing up the extra crib to their place this weekend. After dumping the furniture in the garage (there is no room upstairs what with the spare room filled to the brim with boxes) we headed up for a Rueben sandwich dinner that was extremely enjoyable (I can�t express how much I enjoyed this classic sandwich which in light of the next few hours of my weekend was a good thing).

Note to self: when one is experiencing pregnancy/iron supplement constipation one should not consume vegetables that are known to cause gas (ie sauerkraut). I suffered for several hours for the pleasure of my Rueben but I don�t regret it one bit, some things are worth the pain (I�m sure I�m going to use that statement again real soon).

Sunday was a lazy day (as lazy as I get I should say) as I enjoyed coffee and Potter out on the patio followed by some nice conversation with one of the neighbors out by the pool (where I burned my knees slightly). My not nap was followed by house cleaning which included putting away the last of the shower gifts (Saturday evening I packed away as much as I could with available boxes) in a box I ran across during my cleaning. I went to the grocery store and shopped for the week a task that required 6 trips up the stairs to my top floor apartment to get it all up from my car. I started dinner (marinating country pork ribs for BBQ) prepared dinner for today (marinating asparagus stuffed sirloin steak) and vacuumed.

My Darling makes the case that women do not know how to relax. His idea of a relaxing Sunday doesn�t involve leaving the couch for more than feeding. This is not to say he doesn�t love the out of doors and being active but he doesn�t consider that relaxing, He like one day of being outside riding, hiking canoeing or that ilk and one day lounging about reading, napping and maybe doing laundry as the perfect weekend. How different we are sometimes.

Still it works out fine most times because while he has his �relaxing� day I get my own things done.

I�m thoroughly enjoying the last installment of Potter. Unfortunately work is interfering with my ability to finish in a timely fashion but I will press on during my free time and at the worst I can take the book with me to the in-laws and finish up there. They live out in the middle of nowhere so there won�t be much to do anyway. I mapped out the trip to the local hospital just in case, it feels weird to think along those lines, but it also seems prudent. I will be almost 35 weeks and that�s pushing the line. I�m still convinced he will be late but since I have no data to back up my conviction I will, of course, plan for any possibility. I�m also convinced that he will be big and as My Darling pointed out recently the evidence does suggest otherwise. I am not, after all, overly big. My fundal measurement is exactly normal (32 cm at 32 weeks) which suggests that my baby boy will be average in size. I was a big baby though and My Darling was very small (6 lbs) but he was also two months early so who knows how big he might have gotten.

I have another appointment tomorrow so I will have new measurements and perhaps an estimate as to the baby�s size.

I�ll let y�all know how it goes.

I wish you Peace


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