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2007-07-28 - 3:52 p.m.

Bread Glorious Bread!!

As I have mentioned before I am allegic to yeast which has presented all manner of challenges now that yeast has become thw new MSG and is added to everything under the sun. While I can live (and likely more healthyly (is that a word?)) withour processed food I have desperately missed bread. No sandwiches, no crusty Italian garlic bread, no buns even for my hamburger/hotdogs I was reduced to tortillas which is no real substitute. So I'm strolling the City Market (part of the street fair this week) and there is this booth with bread, fresh baked bread. I inquired without much expectation as to whether they had a true sour dough (no yeast, it's risen with a soured starter, natural and not a problem for me) only to find that all but two of their breads are yeast free. How exciting. Here is the best part, they had a rye bread, RYE!! as in "Yes please I'll have the Rueben" a sandwich I have not had the pleasure of enjoying in well over 10 years (no I don't count my attempts at reuben quesadilla, the idea is almost a sin).

Tonight I will have a Reuben sandwich for dinner. As I am pregnant I am not supposed to eat lunchmeat so right now as I type away my happiness at the mere thought of an rueben there is corned beef boiling away on my stove.

I also scored a crib and changing table set at a garage sale. We had been given a crib by one of my Darlings coworkers but wen't able to find any matching furniture.

Gotta run, Darling just got home and we have to get the crib.

I wish you Peace


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