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2007-07-23 - 1:23 p.m.

I�m quite happy right now because not one but two of my closest friends are coming to see me soon. The first visit will come in August for only one day but I should be able to negotiate the day off from work so I will indeed have a whole day to catch up. My friend is an instructor in CFR and so I will have the benefit of her teaching for preparing for giving birth. We have exchanged services (I was here Karate instructor) for years now and I know how helpful her CFR lessons and table work can be. She saw me through dental surgeries and of course my wrist surgeries. I always felt as though I got the better part of our deal but from what I understand she feels that she won out so I guess it�s all in the eye of the beholder.

I�m starting to get a little nervous about childbirth. I know people have babies every day and I know it�s going to hurt but I also know the pain is temporary so I�m sure I can get through it. What I am most concerned about is complications. I am worried that my baby boy will not turn around and I will need a c-section (which I really do not want). I�m scared that he will have down syndrome and while I know it�s not the end of the world if he does it is not the life I wanted to give. As the date draws near I experience all the normal hopes and fears and some days I feel almost silly expressing them, after all as I said, people have babies every day.

We signed the new purchase agreement yesterday and gave the bank 5 business days to respond. We were told that if we met their assessment they would approve the sale to technically they should be able to simply rubber stamp it and return it to us. I would hate to have to wait a week for a no-brainer response. The process will take time regardless of how quickly we work as we will still need to set up the home inspection, wait for the title company and the financing approval and finally sign the closing papers. Then we will need to clear the place out, carpet, paint and clean and finally move, all before the end of August preferably.

Too much to do and not enough time to do it in.

Still things are moving along so I�m going to hang on to the positive and hope for the best outcome.

I wish you Peace


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