
 photo Asian-Banner.gif

2007-07-24 - 12:24 p.m.

I�m weary of the road beneath my feet, tread alone, dragging the corpse of my love behind me.

I ride in circles, always escaping, ever returning to the dead thing that waits impatiently for my return.

There is no release from the bond that once lovingly held my heart and now tightens like a noose.

Casting out I find more promising futures but compassion holds me here; hope binds my hands and feet.

Time slips away and I lay stagnant, buried with an angry corpse, the stench steals my breath away.

How I long to be set free from the prison my life has become with windows barred by obligations.

I seek clemency for my sins and those of my sweetheart lost these many years in her own liquid hell.

I wish you Peace


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