
 photo Asian-Banner.gif

2007-07-20 - 1:27 p.m.

The bank has made a decision!!!!

They had an assessment of the property and let us know that they would sell us the property if we would pay the assessed value. It�s more than we bid but not a lot more and it�s still way below the �real� value of the house. When we clean it up and make it look nice the value will go up considerably. Then we can live in it and wait for the market to rebound which will add even more value. A decent house on 2 acres will always go up in value as long as it�s kept up (and I guarantee we will keep it up.) We are going to go for it. I�m scared that I will be having a baby in the midst of the move or closing but that�s a chance even if we close next week. I just don�t know when we are going to catch a break. It seems like we are always trying to do everything at once. Nothing happens for weeks, even months and then bam; there we are doing everything in the space of a few days.

There is much to do in the next few weeks, sign a new purchase agreement, get the house inspected, title company paperwork, financial paperwork and closing (the sooner the better). Then there is the cleaning, minimum remodeling (new carpets, wood floors and painting) and moving in all hopefully before Alexander makes his appearance.

Still, I�m happy; it looks as though we might have a place to live.

Short lunch, gotta run, have a great weekend all!!

I wish you Peace


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