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2007-07-11 - 3:11 a.m.

Three am, like the song I am lonely. My Darling is working and I am wide awake waiting for the pain med to work on my toothache. I had to go to the hospital today to be checked for high BP. I knew before I went that they wouldn't find anything wrong but my certainty that I was fine wasn't enough to reassure me that I wasn't wrong and potentially ignoring something serious. Better safe than sorry at my age I suppose. I am, of course, fine, just as I suspected. Baby boy is fine as well. He is, however, breech, which sounds bad when they talk about it as a permenent condition requiring surgery but Ihave heard that some babies don't slide into the head down birth position until right before they are born so at 31 wks 5 days I am not about to get worried about this. The nurse was very informative and nice about things and after a mere hour and a half I was on my way.

I was then off to the dentist for my permenent crown. I am a complete baby when it comes to mouth pain. The destist and her assistant teased me about my impending childbirth conmpared to my crown insetion but honestly I would rather deal with pain like my broken wrist than mouth pain. It is, in fact, mouth pain that has forced me awake at this ungodly hour. Even as I write this the pain med has kicked in and I suspect I will be able to head back off to sleep for a few more hours.

I wish My Darling were here to cuddle up to. We have only an hour crossover time before I have to head off to my job and he into dreamland. Even these short stints are a pain. Still, he will be back on days soon.

I'm going to try for sleep again, see you on the morrow.

I wish you Peace


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