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2007-07-09 - 2:39 p.m.

�How I spent my weekend�

by the pregnant lady.

Friday night was a bust (the way most nights have been the last couple of weeks). I watched TV and went to bed. I stayed up late (to have �dinner� with My Darling, I call him on his lunch break and we chat). When he is on midnights like this I only get to talk to him on the phone during my lunch, his break and if I can stay up late enough (10:30pm Yawn!) his lunch break. It sucks. I kinda like the quiet time when I get home from work but I find it hard to motivate myself to fix dinner. Often I haven�t eaten by the time he calls at 7:30 and then he gets upset because he knows I get too tired to eat and he worries I don�t eat enough (trust me I eat plenty during the day). I don�t envy the men the position of onlooker in the whole having a baby experience. As they seem to be control freaks across the board (who holds the remote in your house?) it must be agony to sit back and leave the driving to us. We become incredibly pre-occupied with the task and they are left to press their noses against the glass hoping for a glimpse of the action. He still gets excited when he feels the baby move. He likes the fact that he can know tell just by looking which side the baby is hanging out on (he favors the right side).

Oops, here I am all distracted and I�m supposed to be reporting on the weekend�s goings on.

Saturday I was off garage sailing (not very successful) more to get out of the house and allow My Darling time to sleep. I can�t really do much around the house while he is trying to sleep so I go garage sailing. I stopped over at the restaurant for breakfast and a little visit with my friends. I really miss working there. It�s hard work but the extra money is nice and the folks there are really fun. Several of the girls are coming to the shower (yea! This might turn out to be a party after all.)

When I got home My Darling was still asleep so I decided to take a nap myself. Frankly if I thought I could get away with it I would nap in the middle of my day at work. Right about now I could easily close my eyes and catch 45 minutes worth of snooze time. I don�t need to sleep long to refresh and so I was up again an hour later. I was planning on getting the quilt done but instead we went to the store to pick up some articles for My Darlings truck and the completion of the blackout window coverings as well as a trip to the mall to find t-shirts for My Darling. On the way home we stopped for Sushi (I eat the cooked stuff). I can�t wait to have real Sushi again. I miss the salmon. We rounded out the day with a movie. A good way to spend a hot day.

Sunday we had our own individual agendas. I wanted to complete the quilt, paint the frames for the window covers and start the dust ruffle. I also needed to trim the fabric for one of the window covers with binding before putting the assembly together to do its duty this week (he�s on Mids again this week). He wanted to take his pipe bumper off his truck, sand away the rust and repaint it. Lot�s for both of us to do. I got up early and trimmed and pinned the quilt piece but since I didn�t want to wake the Ogre I din�t start sewing but instead poured myself a cup of coffee and headed out onto the patio to read the paper. Even at 8:30 am it was already quite worm and I could see that the tasks of the day were going to be a challenge. Once My Darling got up I started on my quilt and finished right after noon. I then carted the frames outside to paint them. I had found a faux finish the was supposed to create a gold tone on top of your color selection and since the fabric is a Asian brocade with red and gold accent I had hoped it would go well. After mixing the color with the faux finish I was rewarded with a lovely pink (not at all what I had in mind but as these finishes often dry to the right color I pressed ahead). Meanwhile My Darling was sanding away at his bumper. It took him more than four hours to sand, clean and paint the bumper. I ran back and forth from the heat to the air conditioning adding coats of paint and sewing window covers and dust ruffle. At 4 pm I sat down and instantly it was 4:30 (I blinked, I swear).

By the end of the day I had gotten halfway through the dust ruffle and put the window covering back together temporarily to get through the week. I enjoyed another movie and went to bed far too late.

This morning came too early and I have struggled to stay awake all day. I have way too much to do tonight since the shower is this weekend. Tomorrow will be blown at the dentist getting my permanent crown installed and Friday I am having dinner with a CA friend who happens to be in town. This means I have tonight, Wednesday and Thursday night to finish everything.

Wish me a second wind.

I wish you Peace


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