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2007-06-26 - 2:02 p.m.

My darling discovered last night that he could get the baby all riled up by poking me in the belly. Mind you he isn�t poking hard and I am sure he is not doing any damage but the baby responds by wiggling all about and My Darling enjoys seeing him wiggle. As is normal for a baby at this stage of development he responds to sounds, light and movement. He seems fascinated with my belly button and he slides from side to side, rolling over in a way that makes it look as though I have my very own sea monster in my belly. It is strange and wonderful at the same time.

My nights are becoming more difficult. The acid reflux has gotten quite troublesome. It wakes me up in the middle of the night forcing me to try and sleep propped up on pillows a most uncomfortable posture for me. Most websites suggest sleeping in a recliner but since we don�t have a recliner I am left to try and pile pillows and such to attain an upright but still reclined slightly position I can sleep in. Because this is uncomfortable for long term I sleep upright until the reflux is gone and then lay down until it wakes me again. Last night that bit me in the butt when I accidentally inhaled stomach acid choking me and burning my throat. What a horrible feeling. I have left a message at my OB/GYN for acceptable OTC reflux medication that I can take at night before bed. I�m planning on stopping by at the local megamart and seeing if I can find a sitting bed pillow, I gotta get some sleep.

I wish I could negotiate a nap time in the middle of my day. Hey, Einstein swore by his little naps. If I shortened my daily lunch call with My Darling and found a way to get comfortable I might manage 45 min of blissful dozing but that�s only if the place stays somewhat quiet (the printer makes a god awful racket).

We are awaiting the Case worker at the bank to set up or receive (since we have no way of knowing if the appointment is set or not) the assessment on the house. Movement of sorts but not nearly what we had hoped for at this point. After all, it has be several weeks already. We are looking at additional houses but they are all foreclosures or short sales so it�s almost not worth even looking at them.

My Darlings mother wants us to come visit her which involves driving 2 hours and spending the night. I am willing of course because I know she has not been doing well and I will have a visit with my family the weekend of the shower so it only seems fair to spend some time with his folks. I get a little bored of course since there is nothing to do up there (it seems a little like a waste of time outdoor time which is in short supply for me right now) but I think I will suggest that we bring the bikes and take a little ride while we are there. At the very least we can take a walk. I can�t afford to lose too much of my outdoor time, the summer is short enough and I have so little energy to enjoy it as it is. This trip up north won�t happen until after the shower towards the end of July so who knows I might be too tired and too fat to want to do much of anything anyway.

I�m sending out good thoughts to a couple of my friends who are going through some difficult times. Time will pass and no matter what comes our way we walk this road together, I am here if you want to talk. Take care of you and the rest will fall into place.

I wish you Peace


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