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2007-06-27 - 1:10 p.m.

Hip Hip Hurray!!

I took a Zantac last night before having dinner and headed off to bed prepared to prop up all night (I even tried to buy a bed pillow to help me sleep sitting up) after an hour or so I decided to lay down and take my chances. I slept, blissfully, for most of the night waking only to quench my thirst and kiss My Darling goodbye.

Sleep glorious sleep. I feel like a new woman. Still preggers and still ungainly but rested for the first time in weeks.

Today is relatively quiet here at work and other than the fit�s of thunder storms that have rolled through there has been nothing remarkable to report.

I am sporadically entertained by my belly dancing as my baby shifts around in his ever decreasing space. I am beginning to be able to sort of identify body parts (his bobble head and spine especially). I can tell which side of my belly he is residing in (which is funny since you wouldn�t think there was enough room for him to select a side. He favors the right side (my right) but from time to time I find him off to the left. Right now he seems to be sleeping (settled at least) so I am forced to find my entertainment elsewhere.

I may have found a cake person for the shower cake. Of course it didn�t occur to me to ask my Mom to do the cake. I can�t sit forward long enough to do the cake myself but she may be able to do it if I bake it. It would certainly save a lot of money and it would get my Mom involved as well. I�m still going to speak to the semi professional lady and get pricing and availability.

I still feel a little like napping even with my good nights sleep but I suppose that�s normal for pregnancy. At least I don�t feel like I�m falling down exhausted.

I should get my material for the baby room stuff soon. With My Darling on nights for the next two weeks I should be able to get a lot done. I�ll take pics to post when I am finished.

Happy Hump day!

I wish you Peace


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