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2007-06-20 - 3:41 p.m.

What to do, what to do, what to do�

The boss is retiring and they are having a surprise going away dinner, on a Thursday night, 33 miles from my home and BTW would I like to contribute to a gift. I barely know the man having not completed my first year at the company and I am one of the few people who is going to attend (he is not well liked a fact that I believe he is oblivious to). I would rather not attend but having blown off the Christmas party last year and fully intending on doing the same this year I really should attend. I hate these things. The last thing I want to do is kick in some of my hard earned not enough to cover my bills paycheck to the man who gladly underpays me for what I do. He gleefully tells stories of the view from his vacation in Italy to people who can never afford to take those kind of vacations and plans on traveling when he retires all the while collecting a paycheck from the company as a �advisor�. I�m trying how to figure out how to return to work ASAP after I give birth because I have no real maternity benefits.

How obligated am I to contribute anyway?

I hate my job anyway. It�s not that I�m not good at it, quite the opposite, I�m very good at it, but as usual I am in a job that doesn�t lend itself to statistics and so is difficult to quantify at review time. I suspect that I will be truly displeased at my first review because I am certain most of what I do goes without notice and even when I point out what I do no one else finds value in it (except the customer of course). I would focus on my personal life and let my job be just my job but with my personal life in a quagmire my work life drags on me all the more.

Blah, Blah, Blah�

Whine, Whine, Whine�

I wish you Peace


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