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2007-06-08 - 1:25 p.m.

It�s almost the weekend and unlike the last one we should have some really nice weather. Not too hot, not too cold, mostly sunny and temperate. My Darling does not have to work and this means we may just have the opportunity to do something. (I know, I know, I did all that talking about being still but sheesh this girl has got to get up and move around some otherwise I�m just going to turn into a giant slug.

I plan on doing a little Garage saleing to pick up a few more baby things (clothes mostly) and I have to put together stuff for the baby shower (an indoor night time activity of course but a must do this weekend none the less).

I envy the folks with yard work as insane as that might sound but truly there is peace to be found in those kinds of tasks. I got so much pleasure out of cleaning my kitchen a couple of weeks ago but out doors is where I long to be so I must find something I can do out of doors in a similar vein. If Brian weren�t so dang far a way I would sneak into his garden and weed. He wouldn�t notice, he�s going to be biking this weekend. 100 miles, can you say holy cr*p?

Me I�m planning a light waddle. My Darling has nixed the bike ride (he is correct I haven�t bicycled in a while and now I�m definitely off balance) so I�m left with waddling as my only option. I�m also stuck waddling around the neighborhood since the trails around here are fairly long and you don�t want to get a ways in and discover you don�t have the energy to walk out again. Oh well, only 2 � months left right?

By hook or by crook I will see this sun this weekend.

Enjoy your weekend all.

I wish you Peace


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