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2007-06-11 - 1:26 p.m.

Well I got my fill of the sun this weekend and then some. Saturday we went Garage Saleing as I had hoped and though we got a late start I still scored some baby clothes and a rocking horse ($2). I saw a really nice crib but it was part of a �package deal� that included a toddler bed (white and girlish) and bed sheets, bumper and quilt all of which were not to my liking and a mattress (I want a new mattress). She wouldn�t even consider selling just the crib. We have already been given a crib for free so it�s hard to justify spending money on a crib let alone on all the crap I don�t want or need.

After heading home I took a nap which was followed by what can only be described as a trek around town. �Let�s go for a walk� he says. Two hours later we finally get back home where I promptly crash out on the couch waking up only long enough to go to bed an hour or so later.

Sunday we went to the local recreation area and rented a canoe for four hours (we maxed out at around 3 � hours tired and sun burned (him more than me as I was careful to apply and reapply sunscreen due to the sensitivity to the sun that accompanies pregnancy). Even with my care I still managed to burn my face and neck along with a couple of patches on my arms and hands. I woke this morning worn and feeling slightly battered, I swear my eyes were swollen almost shut. I submerged my face in cold water again and again until I felt as though I could see again.

That is the trouble with finally getting out after a long shut-in, your skin (and body) just isn�t up to it. I�m so tired I think I could lie down and sleep right here in the middle of the office.

I have to complain here (I don�t as a rule complain much about My Darling because it is hard to distinguish which one of us is right and most of the time it�s a little of both) about my canoe trip. Initially I took the rear anchor position since my Darling planned on fishing and that would allow me to steer us about while he fished. I have canoed since I was very young. I trained in canoeing and even competed (and won) throughout my teens. I am excellent at it. My Darling became so frustrated with my �inability� that we had to switch places. The trouble was he was continually trying to steer from the front. No matter how much I tried to work with him he would continually �adjust� throwing my best efforts at moving us around off. I took a look around and found all the other Co-ed Canoes were invariably being anchored by the man. Now it could be because the women didn�t really know how to canoe but it could also be the same gene that makes men the world�s lousiest passengers. After all I don�t like riding in a car (especially my own) with someone else driving but men seem to be psychopathically incapable of suppressing their discontent. I now understand why folks are so attracted to the kayak over the canoe. They are almost exclusively one-man and that means you are master of your own craft. A canoe requires one person to accept the task of simply moving the craft along and making no attempt to direct the motion. It seems that My Darling isn�t capable of filling that role and so I have the choice of forfeiting my right to anchor and submitting to the secondary role or facing the prospect of fighting over who will steer. Men can really piss me off sometimes.

Once we had rearranged things went well enough and I eventually sprawled in the front and allowed him to maneuver us around on his own. It isn�t as much fun as canoeing but I�m easily tired so I just let it go.

In fact I am still pretty tired. I think tonight will be one of those �early� nights I have become more accustomed to lately.

Oh, I almost forgot. If you would like access to my registry information please leave me an e-mail in my notes and I will send you the link to my registries.

I wish you Peace


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