
 photo Asian-Banner.gif

2007-06-05 - 8:38 a.m.

Today is better than yesterday. It�s not that the situation has changed or I feel any better physically but this morning at 3:30 am when My Darling kissed me goodbye before heading off to work he added a hug. It�s not much really, just a little thing but it means he heard me last night. I took dear Zuzu�s advice and asked, outright, for a little extra sign of affection. I�m really unhappy with myself right now. It�s so very hard to go from competent and independent to stupid and dependent and even though I know it is temporary it still bothers me as much if not more than it bothers him to see me like this. That little extra effort on his part makes it easier to face another day.

I wish you Peace


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