
 photo Asian-Banner.gif

2004-09-08 - 2:38 p.m.

I have been very busy since my return to work. Sitting in front of my computer all day has not encouraged me to be in front of the computer at night. Tonight I will teach my class in Martial Arts. It is a womans only class that I volunteer teach at a local bowling alley. The class is small but the students are dedicated. Because I accept no money and the space is donated I don't charge for the classes. This is my little contribution to the world. It is a small gesture but that is all most of us are capable of. Fame and money allow more effect but we can all do a little bit to give back.

I am dipping into a depression. I wish I could just wish the blues away but it seems, medication or not, I shall always ride the roller coaster. It is so hard for my boyfriend to understand. "Mood Disorder" they call it. Hell is more like it. Of course it could be worse, the drugs work pretty well and the highs and lows are not as intense as they were but they are with out warning or reason and that makes them hard to bear, for me and for the people around me.

Thoughts racing in circles

Like rings around the rosie

No poesies for my pockets

Only ashes before the fall.

I wish you Peace


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