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2007-11-04 - 10:24 a.m.

Let me tell you of the trevails of a happy baby. That�s right, I am about to complain about my Baby Boy. His newest game is to drink an ounce or so of formula and then take a giggle break during which he laughs and coos, giggles and smiles. This would be a tremendous thing (and it is despite the inconvenience) but for the long list of chores still left undone a week into our occupation. I was waiting to install the water softener until after my Darling got home from work (OT all weekend) thinking he would like to take charge since I know nothing of water softeners but when he called I found out he was hoping I would take charge (or simply do it while he was at work) because he knows nothing of plumbing and sweating pipe. Go figure.

So I have been working on the bathroom since before sun up and I now have to complete that task AND dry fit the copper lines to the inline filter and water softener.

That brings me back to the happy baby (currently eating while I type one handed). I LOVE that he is so very attentive and interactive and of course, happy and I don�t want to miss or disregard this wonderful time in his life but sheesh, its hard to balance both worlds, Mommy and Wife. I�m practically a stay at home Mom but not like the stay at homes I know. You name it I can probably do it (I have probably done it in the past) so it�s not just about laundry and dishes for me. There is still so much left to do. Boxes are stacked against walls that await a second coat of paint and painters tape is affixed to the walls and ceiling far past its 14 day expiration date. I haven�t even vacuumed up the last of the rug installation bits and pieces in half of the rooms or down the stairs. Way too much to do and not nearly enough time in the day.

And then there is my happy Baby Boy who becomes less happy when Mommy doesn�t have time for him. I can gain a little time by placing him beneath the ceiling fan whose spinning transfixes him for a while. Eventually, however, nothing but Mommy will satisfy him.

Well now, while he is talking to the fan I will rush to see if I can get the BR finished and then we will both head down to the furnace room and start on the plumbing.

Gotta run.

PS Day 4 of NaNoWriMo and still no word count.

I wish you Peace


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