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2007-08-24 - 8:32 a.m.

I�m sorry I didn�t get back here yesterday. I forget sometimes that from now until I finally pop this monkey out any lack of contact signals ideas of flights to the hospital.

The PA was very nice and allowed me to bypass the cervical exam since I show no signs of labor. She didn�t even measure my belly because at this point it�s moot. He is big enough and has been in the �oven� long enough that they are not concerned with any premature related problems. As I continue to suspect he seems to be content to hang out within the (relative) safety of my humble womb.

Oh, I did mess up. I was certain that my apt. was yesterday. Turns out it was wed. I apologized to the PA but she assured me that she was over booked the day before and it was good that I didn�t show. I�m not sure if that is true but it was nice of her to say.

My Darling brought me home in time to eat lunch and return to work with no lost time. Next weeks appt. will also occur during my lunch hour. It�s not that I don�t have comp time saved up but why take time when I have a whole hour for lunch and my fridge is 25 ft away.

I woke late this morning. I realized in a somewhat dozy state that I hadn�t set my alarm last night but I managed to get it set around an hour before I was to wake up allowing me to go back to sleep and wow did I ever. Rarely do I manage to hit the snooze unknowingly but this morning was one of those mornings. I was nearly a half hour late getting out of bed. Of course since my commute now consists of a stroll up the hallway into the living room I still had time to shower, empty the dishwasher, make coffee and have my breakfast before sitting down to my mornings work tasks.

The trouble with this type of job is you are hired to provide customers with support. That means between the normal business hours you must be available to assist customers with any and all software related problems. I am available and competent in this position. Management, unfortunately, doesn�t get the whole �you are paying me for my knowledge and availability� and wants to be sure that every working minute is spent doing something company related. �How do I know you are working when the phone isn�t ringing?� The main problem with that mentality is if you assign tasks to fill the lulls in calls and then get a glut of calls the tasks don�t get accomplished and if they are important tasks why then you are in trouble aren�t you. So instead you have filler work that is tedious and unimportant just so that management can feel as though they aren�t just paying you to sit next to the phone. I say if you want an hourly worker whose hourly movements are tracked to assure every minute is accounted for then hire hourly but salaried means that you trust me to do the job I was hired for and when it is fast and furious I get the job done without complaint and when it�s slow you leave me alone.

I hate make work and the reasons behind it, can you tell?

Well, gotta go make work.

I wish you Peace


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