
 photo Asian-Banner.gif

2007-08-08 - 4:32 p.m.

Past, present and future snake like residual smoke through the forest of my mind
I can see the blackened stumps that once burned so bright, enveloping me
In between now sprouts, green and lush, new growth, beautiful and unexpected
Nothing remains of the creature that burned, immolated by obsession, now free

Ghosts of the long gone with good riddance mingle with those now so precious
I fear that I will never see clearly what is now for the presence of then obscuring
Letting go is a forever task sloughing the skin that forms over and over the scars
Desperate to recover the soft pink flesh that would be but for the ancient bonfires

Scars remind us too much, each step tainted by the mud clinging to these tired feet
How I long to wash the smoke and dirt from my spirit to emerge clean, sweet smelling
Is it truly of my own making, chains I have draped about me that mere thought release?
Are the prisons we remember built by us or are we built by the prisons we have known?

Never mind what was, wait patiently for what will come, walk always in the now
Therein lies freedom and Peace; would that I could actually practice what I preach.

I wish you Peace


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