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2007-08-06 - 4:27 p.m.

The Caseworker for the house has returned from his vacation and his first act was to forward our offer to �the investor�. Who is �the investor� you ask? Well your guess would be as good as mine. My realtor tells me that she isn�t sure who �the investor� is either or even if he is the last step in the approval process. Her initial offering was that they would wait and call on Wednesday if they didn�t hear anything before then. Now I think I have been very patient through the last week it was, after all, pointless to continue calling once we were informed that the one person capable of doing anything for us was off vacationing but now that he is returned there is no reason why he can�t push this along a little considering our circumstances. I realize that most of this chain of people are men but you would think even they might have a trifling of sympathy for a pregnant woman in her last month attempting to get into a home before Baby shows up.

This is the most ridiculous thing that has happened to me in a long time. I tried to think of some silly scenario from my past life that comes close and I just can�t.

Baby boy has had the hiccups on two separate occasions today which is a most unusual feeling. The bigger he gets the more his random movements affect my normal activities. It�s hard to believe how scrunched up he is in there and how much longer and more scrunched he has yet to become.

My hands have swollen to the point that I can no longer wear my wedding rings and so I now have them strung on a chain around my neck. The swelling is normal although excessive swelling is not so I will need to monitor my level of swelling. I have lost my appetite a bit but ate my lunch anyway and seem ok for it. Even after spending the weekend resting and sleeping I�m still quite tired. I am promised that a burst of energy is coming but I�m told that precedes birth rather closely so I�m not wishing for that yet. I would like him to be closer to his due date. Of course if he came along now he would probably not even require an incubator. There is only one more month left.

Lucky for me I get to go home soon. I am allowing my �coverage� to do some of my tasks to get practice while I am around to answer questions and fix mistakes.

Short entry, have a little more to do today.

I wish you Peace


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