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2007-07-05 - 12:33 p.m.

Well on the very short list of things to do this holiday I was able to complete at least a couple of items. I got up fairly early on the fourth and cut out all the pattern pieces for the three pieces of the crib set I wish to have done for the shower. I started sewing the quilt next. The process went very well until I got to the last piece where I found that I had some how managed to cut the piece 2 in. two short. Worst part is I measured twice and must have made the same mistake twice. This meant I wasn�t able to complete the quilt and the disappointment was enough to quash any impulse I might have had to start the dust ruffle. I now have to stop off at the fabric store on my way home from work and pick up another piece of fabric to complete the quilt. The fabric will need to be pre-washed and dried (to shrink) before I can re-cut and stitch the rest of the quilt. I will then have to �quilt� the quilt (a term I use loosely because I have no intention of actually quilting the piece by hand. Not only do I not own a quilting rack necessary for stretching the fabric and preventing puckering but I don�t have the patience required to stitch all those tiny stitches.) I will opt for machine stitching in its simplest form (straight lines). It is after all a baby quilt. I am lucky enough to possess one of my Grandmothers hand-made quilts put together in 1937 or so making it 70 years old. It is in spectacular condition (unlike the quilt I slept under through my childhood which is worn to threads in some spots). One of the saddest by-products of our generation�s lust for new and improved is the lack of historical artifacts to pass down to the next generation. There is little appreciation for old other than the Road Show curiosity and wish for lottery style finds of �old stuff� to sell and make lots of money. Mind you, I�m only interested in certain styles and collections of antiques. To me there is no point in owning something old unless it is aesthetically pleasing to you. Just being old and valuable is not enough.

In addition to the partially completed quilt I managed a short walk (to the video store and back) before dinner. It can�t possibly be more than a half a mile away making the whole trip a mile and yet I was wiped out by the time I got home. I couldn�t get comfy all evening and the baby suffered the same as he moved around and around looking for a comfortable position himself. I was late to bed and wakened when My Darling came to bed so I am tired again today. Still I am proud that I managed the walk because I feel more and more like a beached whale having difficulty getting up from bed or couch.

Today my goal is to stop at AAA and get my passport photo taken so that we can get the application in soon. With the delay in processing in the news I don�t want to get caught Jan 1st unprepared. Especially since I have to attend my parent�s 50th wedding anniversary party (I�m actually responsible for planning it being the closest one other than idiot boy who can�t be trusted to do the simplest task sometimes.) The other brother is in FL and idiot boy #2 has re-enlisted and will be in Iraq for the rest of the year (who re-enlists at 38 years old during a war?) I am really afraid for him. I love my brother but he doesn�t always make good judgment calls and in a war setting good judgment can mean the difference between destruction and survival. I know everybody dies eventually but I�m not ready to start losing siblings. I�m not ready to lose my parents even (of course I don�t know that you are ever ready for that.

My Family is coming for the shower and bringing my great grandmothers rocking chair for the (make-believe) nursery. It is one of those old things that I like despite the fact that it is likely not worth anything to anyone but me. My Darlings family will most likely turn their noses up at it since it isn�t new (or hand made � although I�m not so sure about that it could have been made by hand) My Darling only cares that I like it and of course he likes the price (free). What do you think?

I only have one more week before the shower and I am hoping I can get everything done. It is surprising how exhausting this making as baby thing is. My Darling says his sister slept most of her last month and I know that my SIL struggled to get through her final month (actually her little girl was early by a few weeks so she was only a few weeks further along than me when she had our niece.) She was getting ready to go off on her leave and admitted to me that she was soooo looking forward to not having to drag herself to work every day.

I was planning on working from home if I had to right up until the baby was born and that still may be quite doable after all being at work and uncomfortable is not the same as being at home where you are always infinitely more comfortable.

We shall see, won�t we?

Should here on the house today or tomorrow, fingers crossed everyone Please!

It�s Naptime er, lunchtime. Talk to you soon duckies.

I wish you Peace


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