
 photo Asian-Banner.gif

2006-09-26 - 10:49 p.m.

I'm done with gray, color me green. I'm reliving my green phase (focusing on the positive you might say). Since green appears to be the color of MI and since I am currently in residence I have decided that I will embrace my green before it all turns to white. Sunday will be the 1st of October (OMG!) and I am not at all ready for what is coming. Before the white will come the rainbow of fall colors, trees dressed in red and orange, yellow and gold. It has been a long time since I have seen the falls colors. Darling and I will try and find time for a drive into the country for a tour of the fall colors (Darling takes beautiful pictures so I will encourage him to garner me a fall foliage to transition my site from green to white. Perhaps I can embrace the white when it finally arrives.

I have noticed something lately. I can not sit in silence. That is not to say that I can not be quiet rather the years appear to have left a permenent hum in my right ear that totally distracts from any "listening to the silence" I might attempt. Age I guess.

I am being the very good girl and eting right, drinking lots of water and basically taking better care of myself (I still can't seem to get the right amount of sleep so I am constantly tired but in general I'm doing better for myself.)

Spent most of the night on my new template so I will have to share more another time.

Sweet dreams all

I wish you Peace


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