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2005-04-04 - 10:14 a.m.

I find myself disturbed by the religious right. I am not bothered by the faith of my friends and family for they use it only to direct their own lives not the lives of others. Religion in general is distant from me but as I flip through the channels of the somewhat limited selection of TV that my Beau and I have opted for (well, I opted for he was operating with 2 � channels with little complaint) I am stunned by the number, and silliness of the paid religious programming.

We are movie viewers. Since neither one of us are comfortable in the movie theatres (me because of my anti-social bent and he due to the lack of leg room afforded for one of his ample height) we spend most evenings at home watching movies. I am lucky that he shares my interest in learning and thus Discovery and PBS are often the default TV channels in our house.

Back to the subject, the paid programming channels while bearing their fair share of folks hawking this and that (but wait, there�s more) there is what seems to be a plethora of religious programming, from the standards (Graham, Tammy Faye) to strange preachers promising wealth (�plant the seed�), miraculous healing, (�your cataracts are dissolving�) and any other manner of redemption and salvation if you just write out that check (make it out to �I attempting to buy my way into heaven�).

In the wake of Terry Schiavo and family who's interal disagreement hijacked the political system (thanks to Jeb Bush and the religious right who value any appearance of life as being sacrosanct) and it�s domination of the media for these past weeks coupled the death of the pope on the heels of her passing, I find it amusing that the religious folk can have so many diverse views based on the same scriptures. Heroic means to prolong life has been often criticized as �interfering with God�s plan� by some while others would prolong life by any means necessary as though they secretly doubted the �paradise� promised by their �holy book�. I am, disturbed over the national and political intrusion into a personal family decision.

Now the �world� is in mourning over the death of the pope. While I can appreciate the loyal followers of the Catholic Church understandable grief over the loss of their religious leader shouldn�t there be a comparable celebration of his entrance into heaven and taking his place in the presence of their Lord? Where is their faith in the natural process of their religious understanding of life and death? Why pray for the dead pope if, by their own teaching, he is right now basking in the light of the Father Almighty? Shouldn�t they instead be praying for mankind who has, in their estimation, lost a great man, a peacemaker, and �the most influential pope of all time�?

The Roman Church is more powerful (and rich) than many countries. Right now, and I imagine for many weeks prior, the Cardinals are behaving no better that the Survivor cast making alliances and jockeying to see who will take the prize. No matter what spin the Roman Church has placed on the Vatican II document and no matter how personable pope John Paul was, the truth is that the official teachings of the church have not changed in the past fifty years. Catholics are still the only folks who get to heaven, albeit after a stay in purgatory (a sort of minimum security prison for your soul that your living relatives can buy your way out of), Jews (and all other faiths) are still condemned to hell for not believing, and American Catholics are still sinning every time they use birth control.

As I continue to be assaulted by the snake oil salesman peddling God as if he were a shiny bauble to be purchased while supplies last (only 50 left so hurry and get yours) and the politician�s sanctification of theism, particularly Christian monotheism, over atheism or polytheism, I feel sick. The president presumes �God�s will� and even the semi-religious don�t understand why I am so offended by the religious abduction of politics. I have studied the Bible and Jesus Christ himself told the folks who sought to use him to change the political structure at the time "Render unto Caesar, that which is Caesar's; and render unto God, that which is God's." (Matthew 22:21). God has no place in politics. What a politician believes is his own business and I will die to defend his right to believe and voice it in his personal life. But in representation of his constituents he should be concerned about the rights and needs of all the people he represents, not just the vocal minorities or majorities but also those who have different beliefs.

I am frustrated with proclamations assuming that one can unilaterally approve one union of two people and condemn another based on religious faith alone. If you are going to provide benefits based on the union of two Americans then you must provide it irrespective of the type of union. All unions should be civil (both heterosexual and homosexual) by political standards. Heterosexuals are free to have religious ceremonies performed as well as registering civil unions but it is discriminatory to have two separate categories of union based on religious tenants regardless of whether it is the belief of the majority or not. If the majority had their way in the past we might still have slavery today. Might does not make right and just because a lot of people believe something doesn�t mean you can deny others based on the majority. Religion belongs in the Churches. I do not wish to see churches outlawed as they are in China but I believe the opposite, political sanctification of monotheism and bigotry, is irresponsible and exclusionary.

Please understand that I am not suggesting that religious people are wrong, or misguided, but I believe strongly in a separation of church and state. It may have originated with the desire to limit the states interference in the church�s affairs but today it must limit the churches interference with the countries affairs. The truth of the matter is I don�t know the truth so I am forced to wait patiently to see what follows this existence. Till that time I will live in wonder that there is a market for Shopper�s channel religion and wonder even more about the folks who are drawn into their web.

Then again maybe all I need it to �plant the seed� and the world will be mine.

I wish you Peace


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