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2007-07-17 - 1:34 p.m.

Doctors visit today.

32 weeks, 32 cm measuring from the fundus (top of the uterus) to the pelvic bone. Average measurement in cm = weeks pregnant +or- 3cm.

BP = normal
Weight = -1 lb from last check-up (2 weeks)
Baby�s heartbeat 150 beats/minute


Just for fun I�ve surfed around a little reading up on other women�s experiences at my point of the pregnancy and every time I do that I feel better about my experience. I am uncomfortable, of course, but I can still get around pretty well, my back isn�t bothering me yeti can still wear my shoes and other than wishing I could catch a little nap in the middle of the day I can�t really complain all that much.

My stomach has shrunk and I fill up faster which may explain the lack of weight gain this time. My measurement went up 2 cm (as it should have) but my weight isn�t increasing. The doctor isn�t concerned so I�m not going to be either.

I still don�t have stretch marks and my belly button is stubbornly holding in although when I laugh it pokes ever so slightly out indicating that it could pop at any time.

Baby boy is still obstinately head up (breech) rather than head down but the doctor says there is plenty of time for him to turn round. If he still insists on sitting up 3 or 4 weeks from now we will investigate other options for getting him round the right way for his grand entrance.

Nothing more to share, I was off to bed quite early last night without even looking through the gifts for the benefit of my Darling (he doesn�t seem all that interested in looking at the stuff, trusting in me I suppose, to sort out the keep from the trade.)

Nieces B-day party tonight then off to bed early once again. No excitement here just a whole lot of waiting.

I wish you Peace


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