
 photo Asian-Banner.gif

2011-08-16 - 11:15 p.m.

Waves come and go, should have chased them away, left them on the side of the road with the scrub where they belong. Instead I fed them, just like the past, just a child feeding the beast.

Run away,

Run to

Run for


Because of me, my "likability", I draw the darkness, I draw it from the pools of people. My gift, if you will is leading ordinary, nice people to fill my bucket with all sorts of black. And I let myself cry.

Run away

Run to

Run for


My lungs ache and my legs complain. My arms shudder and my body over heats. My mind still races but it can't keep up with the pain. The pain brings silence.

Run away

Run to

Run for


It isn't what I remember, not even the beginning. It seems so much longer, so much slower and still I don't even come close to the island of peace inside all that pain. No matter, I should have, today.

Run away

Run to

Run for


I wish you Peace


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- - 2013-08-16

Darkness - 2013-04-18

Too much - 2013-04-09

Skip - 2013-03-03

- - 2013-02-07

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