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2012-03-27 - 7:19 a.m.

I hate when there are things I can't talk about that I really need to talk about and the people I need to talk about them with don't want to talk about it. Vague much?

In the everyday world I have a UTI which for some reason is so embarrassing that people can not believe you would tell your boss that you suspect it so you can leave work and go to a doctor to get it taken care of. If I have a sore throat or a digestive problem I can tell the boss and no one thinks anything but a UTI? Evidently those icky female parts are simply not to be mentioned. It's a UTI, folks get UTI infections, men and women, hell I think I heard that Jim Henson may have died from an untreated UTI that became a bladder infections which led to Pneumonia. It makes you really think about how good we have it now. It wasn't that long ago that people were dying of infections that a quick trip to the after hours clinic garners a prescription for a cure. How cool is that?

Funny though, the Doctor was all apologetic about the wait. It was long compared to my usual visits (which are really prompt compared to the past) but it's an after hours clinic, I expect to wait. I understand frustration (a little) with doctor appointments that leave you waiting long past the appointed time but then again the doctor doesn't really know what he will need to address in any given patient. I know the patient is self diagnosing somewhat by giving what they think it is and/or listing symptoms but until the doctor sees the patient he just doesn't know. And with hospital visits all bets are off. The sickest gets seen first and believe me that is how you want it, especially if you are the sickest. Same thing for other procedures, even the scheduled kind. Nobody wants to wait anymore, they think that they have some right to expect no waiting. Every one is concerned there will be longer waits with the ACA and they are probably right. If you hadd a crap load of new patients without adding more providers there will be longer waits but over time more providers will be added and wait times will go down again. We are spoiled. And many people are acting like spoiled children. Little Varuca's running around "I want it NOW" with no consideration for the folks now who can't afford to stop off at the clinic for a prescription. I remember back when I had no insurance, my ex and I were in Florida I think, I had to scrape together 75 dollars to see a doctor for a UTI. Then I shelled out another 50 or so for the prescription. Shouldn't everyone be able to afford to get relief from a UTI? Doesn't everyone deserve to get treatment for a simple infection? And what about cancer? How many people never see a doctor until it is way too late? How can the Varuca's in this world live with the fact that people are still dying of curable diseases because they can't afford to go to a doctor? All because they are afraid that they might have to wait a little longer for treatment. I don't mind waiting just like I don't mind paying my taxes. It is part of the contract we enter into when we join civilization.

I received a response to a post I made elsewhere about a similar topic, adding on that we spend 4 times the amount of a college education (per year) on incarceration and what a waste of tax dollars that is, and I quote (parenthesis are mine):

"Alison, ten dollars says you are attending or have graduated from college (there it is that dreaded edumacation). If memorizing and repeating leftist drivel is all you learned, as a taxpayer I demand you pay us back the $9K wasted on you (common courtesy and kindness is drivel, I couldn't possibly have come to my own conclusion and instead I am just memorizing and repeating, and he assumes I didn't pay for my own education). And I must say that in your case thanks to your childish (recognizing the responsibility of being a member of society is childish) leftist ideology you are inferior(finally judged to be inferior)."

This is the world we live in. Sad really. I would hope that the more vocal trolls out there, with no respect for actual debate of ideas, are not indicative of the majority. For society's sake I hope.

I wish you Peace


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