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2012-02-02 - 7:55 p.m.

Four days gone in a blink. Mondays and Tuesdays are always a rush but this Tuesday was ridiculously busy. Wednesday there was train building (to prepare for the big play date with the lovely Kate) followed by preschool and the aforementioned play date. In case you have never experienced it a drive with two preschoolers is a mess of giggling and squealing over some pretty unfunny jokes. The play date went well, young Kate got tired and asked to go home but brightened up as soon as she arrived home. She promptly dragged the kid around her house showing off rooms, toys and of course the older brother. The kid is now requesting a play date with the older brother. I told him next time he could go to Kate's and they could all play together.

Then there is today. Work, followed by a hair appointment (it's too short but I'm used to not liking my hair cut for a week or two). Dinner and now, just a little R&R in the form of TV series via computer. What is sad is that I am watching a series I have already watched because I have nothing else I am interested in watching.

Lately I have been doing that, re-watching movies and TV. Not much else to do. Of course that isn't true, there is reading (I got the Jobs biography for Christmas) and writing (but we all know how spectacular I have been at that of late) Oh and there is the waiting to see if anything will come of the life changing job opportunity. Hope is dwindling as I speak. I haven't given up on it (not like that other life changing event never to be) but it isn't much fun waiting it out.

Argg, I can't think right now, and I don't want to think. I guess that explains my attachment to reruns right now.

Maybe I'll feel different tomorrow.

See you tomorrow then.

Five more days to Vacation

I wish you Peace


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