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2010-06-05 - 7:17 p.m.

So the nap, yeah, not such a good idea. Woke up tired and sore, after an hour of sleep. Baby boy was a bit cranky as well. I had no time to relax after getting up because of dinner preparations. This evenings fare was a simple casserole. Italian sausage in sauce with bow tie pasta and provolone and mozzarella cheese. I faked it a bit with jar sauce but supplemented with home canned tomatoes and extra onion, mushroom and spices. It's a bit involved because everything has to be cooked to some extent before heading into the oven. I was lucky enough to find garlic flavored croissants in the fridge (pop-up variety). I tend to stock up a bit when they are on sale and they really compliment the meal. I would make garlic toast but along with all the other pleasantries that go with being me I have an allergy to yeast which means nix on the bread and most any other prepackaged meal. No bag-o-meals for us, it's all from scratch.

Baby boy begged a few more minutes outside and sobbed piteously when he was forced to come in but Mommy is tired. Maybe a movie tonight. My Darling works so much and has to be up so early that we never get to watch movies like we used to. It was one of the first things that we found in common, a love of movies. First things first, Baby Boy much clean up his toys and head off to bed. I am off to do battle with the 2 year old, good night and be well.

I wish you Peace


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