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2010-04-11 - 4:15 a.m.

I am suffering from my annual spring head cold. This tradition returned when I returned to the Midwest. The tickle in my throat is keeping me awake, as well as the constant drainage. Nothing to be done but sit upright for a while and drink a little hot tea with lemon juice and honey. Used to be a time when I would add a shot of rum too but those days are long gone. My Darling is sleeping or at least trying. My restlessness is disturbing to him I am sure, when I don't sleep he doesn't sleep. When I get up he can sleep a little more soundly for a bit but soon gets to missing me in bed so I won't be up too long.

My folks are coming next weekend and I will be happy to see them. They miss Baby Boy and like most Grandparents they look forward to the times they can spend with their grand-baby. According to my Dad my mother is frothing at the bit to get here (I suspect he isn't far behind her). They both adore my son (what's not to like, he's a great kid.) Speaking of the kid, he just moved from crib to toddler bed. Yes we did keep him somewhat long in the crib liking the security it provided us during the night. For the moment he is still remaining in bed even in the morning, still calling for me to come and get him up. He hasn't figured out that he can get himself up in the morning. He has also established himself once again as an outdoors kid. Dragging him in at any given time elicits many tears and sobbing. I forsee summers when the child leaves early in the morning stopping by during the day to feed himself and being dragged in at night shortly after the fireflys come out. Reminds me of my childhood minus the streetlight that always signaled the end of my day. There are no streetlights in the country.

As country folk we have purchased another round of chickens, this time a mixture of more exotic birds. We plan to add a couple more next week, as well as a turkey. We plan fresh turkey for Thanksgiving. I have never cleaned an entire bird but it should be similar to a fish only more insides. Worst case I can implore my Darling to finish the task, the hunter has gutting some deer in his day, I am sure he can handle a turkey. I believe I will be just fine.

Last weekend I moved around some flowers in the garden continuing our efforts to downsize the number of flower plots and returning the yard to a more mower/child friendly status. We will rescue as much as we can, gifting what we can not use. The vegetable garden will be yet another challenge. This far I have had mixed success in providing fresh produce for my family. Actually to be completely honest I have failed miserably. I look to be on pace to do the same this year as my Darling has informed me (and the manuals I have corroborate) I should have already planted half of my garden indoors readying them for planting shortly after the last frost. It seems as though I barely have time to accomplish my daily chores as well as working. The reality though, is that I waste time reading the news and watching TV shows on hulu. If I were better I would be able to get more done. I go back and forth about that. On one hand those lazy activities are relaxing for me and M Darling often reminds me I must make time to relax but it's a balancing act I have not performed well of late. Once again honestly insists I admit that I have never had good balance.


I only have a few more minutes before I have to go back to bed and try to sleep so I'm going to see what is happening in the world.

Night Night.

I wish you Peace


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