
 photo Asian-Banner.gif

2009-11-04 - 7:41 a.m.

I continue to be offended by people and their moral self righteousness based on their religious beliefs which allows them to think they have the right to discriminate against a group of people that don't believe in their crap. This group hurts no one, they just want the same rights and privileges afford to the rest of the country. Their inclusion will not change the establishment. You will still be allowed to teach you children to hate without knowing the people you hate. You will still be allowed to pass along your stupid beliefs unrestricted. More and more I find myself hating these people and I don't like that feeling. I don't want to hate anyone. Why can't we all just practice the Golden Rule or as the Christian Right might recognize it "Love thy neighbor as thyself" It means live and let live, treat others as you wish to be treated. I am often questioned how I will instruct my son in morals when I have no religious belief to guide me. I am human, I am compassionate and I am aware that all of us deserve the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. You can not vote away inalienable rights. You can't impose discrimination by popular vote. How is it we as a nation can see that it is wrong when a Justice of the Peace refuses to marry an interracial couple but we still cling to the belief that it is ok to do the same thing to homosexuals? Will we be forever held captive by the folks who anoint themselves the wardens of the rest of the population?

Ugh...I am so disappointed.

I wish you Peace


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