
 photo Asian-Banner.gif

2007-05-03 - 1:44 p.m.

Stick a fork in me, I�m done. There is no way to resolve the road issue. If we can not find a shred of paperwork to support an easement on the roadway for the street we can not buy the house. It�s just that simple. We can�t afford to pay the additional �% required to go conventional. We will need to move into another apartment and start all over again. I was looking forward to house and home and now it�s just dead and gone. There is nothing I can do.

We have lost all the money we spent on the inspection and the assessment. I can�t see anyway out of this that doesn�t paint us the big losers.

It�s hard not to think that this is more of the same crap that has followed me around. It�s not like anything I have down created this I�m just the lucky receptor of the crap somebody else left lying around.

I wish you Peace


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