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2007-04-27 - 4:23 p.m.

This mornings Doctors appointment went well. Of course I am in the time period when you stop by once a month, weigh in, pee in a cup and listen to the baby�s heartbeat so there�s not much to report. I lost a few pounds from my last visit (If you asked me I would have said I am gaining way too much weight. I expected to have gone up a few pounds not down) and they measured my Fundal height which is a rough measurement of the size of the baby. I am within normal for my gestation date.

I feel really worn down and I�m not sure if it is just the �I�m growing a baby and that�s hard work� thing or if my activity level having been reduced since I stopped working the restaurant has left me in the �I�m a slug because I don�t do anything�. Last Sunday�s walk led directly to a nap, do not pass go, do not collect $200 and I wish that I could sneak a little snooze into my day at work. I have been told that yoga is a good form of pregnant exercise but my brush with yoga (at my health club in CA) did not get me all warm and fuzzy about the art. I found the positions awkward and uncomfortable and I am certain that I was doing things all wrong but no instruction was forthcoming for the �instructor�. I know there will be enough room in the garage at the new place to hang my heavy bag and practice my kata (karate forms) but I feel like such a procrastinator (�I�ll work out when we get to the new house, really�).

Speaking of which, I have no word on the house. I suspect that we will hear nothing until Monday. I am not at all pleased with the way things have gone with this purchased and I can only hope that this is not a sign of things to come once we take possession of the place. Houses come with issues, even the new ones, but some are just money pits and we just can�t afford that.

My Father is buying us a new stove as a wedding present (how great is that!!) and hopefully we will own the place before the thing is delivered.

I am eagerly awaiting this weekend. I have a lot of stuff to do but much of it will be solo. My Darling is working on Saturday (a little opportunistic overtime to help cover the cost of the truck repair, don�t ask). I sometimes feel a little guilty about this but I do like being alone sometimes. It seems as though in all of my relationships I am the one who is never alone. I used to treasure Sunday mornings both when I was married and even with My Darling back in CA because the man in my life would sleep and I would have the early morning to sit quietly in the sunshine, read my paper and sip my coffee. Now that My Darling�s job requires him to wake at 3am to head off to work he is up at the same time as I am so no alone time in the mornings. My only alone time comes while I am sleeping (between 3am and when I am off to work). What is it about the people in my life? They want to spend all their free time with me. I on the other hand, like spending time with them but I like being by myself as well. One of my favorite parts of running is being alone with myself. Does that make me really selfish.

Oh, and how about this? I�m already trying to figure out how I can make sure I have some time to myself after the baby is born. I mean, if I�m having trouble now what�s gonna happen when I have a baby to think about? I never seem to write anymore (except here) and that seems a shame as well. I don�t even care if no one ever reads my stuff I know how good I feel when I write something I like.


I�m tired. I get to go home soon. I wish I could say I was going to do something tonight but I�m probably going to watch a movie (if I can keep my eyes open) and then head off to sleep. Man, how my life has changed. It�s good for the most part but I feel a little like I don�t do anything but work and sleep. (I know, I know�making a baby and all). I�ll have a garden soon as well. I sure like digging in the dirt.

Soon, Soon, Soon, I�ll sure be glad when soon gets here.

Enjoy your weekend peeps!!

I wish you Peace


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