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2007-03-20 - 3:31 p.m.

In the home department:

We changed Mortgage underwriters and were able to retain our original rate as well as lower our closing costs a touch. While we will not be able to close on time it looks as though we will be able to close early in the month so the two week extension we obtained from the apartment complex should do the trick.

The inspection revealed a couple of little nasty�s. The roof of course (we knew about that) and there is a rusted out support underneath (vertical) because the moron who set up the water softener had it discharging under the house right on to the metal support beam. It�s not an expensive fix and the inspector felt we could do it ourselves. Lot�s of little things that will no doubt add up but little that needs immediate addressing beyond the two above.

The bump in the road appears to be minimal but I must admit that I am still a bit nervous about buying a manufactured (mobile) home no matter how big (did I mention it was 1750 sq ft?). I just don�t want to own a house worth less than what I owe ten years from now. Still the neighborhood is high end and the land is prime, so it�s a gamble but a calculated one.

The Baby

I go for my next Dr. Appt this Friday. There is nothing special planned for this visit although I should receive my prescription for the sonogram (to be performed sometime between 18-20 wks). I will be informed of the baby�s sex at that time and then we can begin discussing names and the baby shower particulars. I am trying to figure out a way to include all my internet friends in a �virtual shower� (not that I would mind if all my good friends here could make the trip and visit me in person but I know that isn�t likely). I have made a few friends here but I still miss all the folks in CA as well as wanting to share time with Sandy and Zuzu again and meet Brian, not to mention Anna. I wish you all could come and drink punch with me and celebrate how far I have traveled (both physically and spiritually).


Ah, well, once the house is settled in I might be lucky enough to receive a visit from one of my traveling friends (if you wait till fall you can meet the little one).


Things are still a little cold at the office. Seems our newest member of the crew is unhappy for some reason and taking it out on all around her. Lucky for me I get along with most of the folk here and my world doesn�t cross with hers all that much most of the time. My Darling got hired full time at the place he has been working temp-to-hire. He is making a really excellent wage which makes me feel a little better about the lack of money I can contribute to the union. At the moment the two jobs add up to his job but there will come a time in the not too distant future when I will no longer be able to supplement my income waitressing. I might get some other part time gig (still checking around the net for a viable part-time or stay at home gig) but I think waitressing will be out of the picture. Too bad, it�s decent money and somewhat flexible. Of course always having to work weekends can get tiresome but that is where the money is so it�s a trade off.

Creative Expression:

That�s the topic sticking in my craw at the moment. I want to express myself creatively and I just can�t seem to find a way that satisfies me. When I think of past creative exercises nothing excites me and with the impending closing and move looming on the horizon it seems almost selfish and indulgent to want to use precious packing time painting, drawing, or writing. I�m practically holding my breath waiting for spring to finally arrive so I can step out into the sun and feel the road beneath my feet (even if I am only walking). I need to shed my winter chains. I think I can justify the exercise to my guilty mind but my creative endeavors must, I concede, wait until I have address the more important moving issues.

I will have the walking though; at least I can have that. I might even jog a bit (I have the doc�s permission). But first we walk.

I wish you Peace


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