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2006-05-19 - 10:15 p.m.

Here it is folks 6 count em 6 weird things about ME.

1) I�m not afraid of spiders (or bugs of any kind) but I pretend to be because I discovered that men need to feel as though they are protecting/rescuing. Let me clarify this: I don't like bugs and I prefer not being the one who kills them but I can kill my own spiders if necessary (it's not a phobia). But it makes them happy to rescue women from spiders and bugs. I am so independent that I attract dependent men and deter men who are independent enough for me to depend on. Allowing them to kill the bugs (and being girly about the situation) lets them feel manly. It�s hard for a man to be manly around a powerful woman, not only that but it is hard to be feminine when you have to be the �man� in a relationship.

Here�s to the SPIDER SLAYER (he looks so cute with sword and shield).

2) I also experience a near overwhelming desire to smash into the car ahead of me when driving. My Darling, early on in our relationship, asked me if I ever experienced this urge and I suspect by the look on his face that he was surprised when I told him I had in fact experienced that feeling. It is, perhaps, one of the reasons we get on so well.

3) I talk to myself. I�m not talking verbal reminders like �don�t forget to buy milk� I�m talking full on conversations between myself and others with me attempting to anticipate the direction a discussion will go. I will also develop ideas and story plots, discuss politics and religion or simply have my say on a situation that is bothering me, mostly in the relative privacy of my car. I wonder how many times someone has glanced over while driving to see me ranting away. My only saving grace is the addition of hands-free cell phones means people will probably assume I�m talking on the phone rather than to myself.

4) I enjoy puddle stomping. In a summer rain my favorite thing is to dance around stomping in puddles. I would call it singing in the rain but singing isn�t really a part of it. It is animalistic. It is childish abandonment. It is freedom in its wet and wildest. I missed the rain while in CA.

5) I like to clean. I don�t mean a light dusting, vacuuming, and daily cleaning. I mean the Saturday or better yet Spring/Fall kind of cleaning where you poke into corners that never see the light of day. I like knowing that the cupboard under the sink is clean. I mop under the refrigerator, washer and dryer. Just because you can�t see it doesn�t mean it shouldn�t be cleaned.

6) I am like a magpie, easily distracted by something shiny. It interferes with my activities since I will start something and then find myself involved with a different task. As a single independent woman this is not s problem since I have sole responsibility and may do things in whatever order (or lack of order as the case may be) that I like. As a partner in a relationship I have found that this distractibility (Ohhh SHINY!!) has made things difficult for my partner. I am attempting to work on this as I am sure I will benefit more from the change in behavior than my Darling will (though he might argue with that).

There it is, six things, (by no means a complete list but the assignment is complete).

Here�s my problem�I don�t think I know 6 people here that don�t include folks I know have already been tagged. I do, however, lurk at a few diaries so I will make my presence known and hope they respond, here goes nothing.

The 1st player of this "game" starts with the topic "6 weird habits/things/about yourself" and people who get tagged need to write a blog about their 6 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

Brian, Anna, Madrigle, Smed, Joiedv, and Yeahimadork you�ve been tagged.*

*My apologies to the folks whose names I do not know. I assure you I regularly read your diaries but I am really bad at names (even in person) and though you may have mentioned your name in your diary I am certain I promptly forgot it. Perhaps you had something shiny nearby?

I wish you Peace


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