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2006-01-04 - 10:16 a.m.

I am sick. Well, actually I am currently getting sick. I can feel the scratchy feeling in the back of my throat and an all over icky feeling has been desending for the past 16 hours or so. It's not that I expect it to be as bad as it was when I still smoked. My body is capable of fending off most bugs eventually and there is little likelyhood that it will descend into my chest in an attempt to drown me as so many bugs did pre-quit a fact that My Darling was quick to point out last night when I commenced whining. I prefer to crawl into my cave and be left alone when I am sick (although I have recently discovered that it can be nice to have someone sweet fuss over you a little.) Today is an important day at work (can you say field trip?) and the meeting can not be skipped so I will force my way through it then I will head home to my bed.

Stay warm and well.

I wish you Peace


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