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2005-08-12 - 10:37 a.m.

I�m feeling better today having spent yesterday afternoon and evening feeling quite sorry for myself. My Darling made dinner last night and we watched the second Potter movie. I felt there were a few poorly cast characters and the pace was a little off but otherwise a decent adaptation. I am currently reading the fourth book the movie of which is soon to come out but since I am irrationally afraid of movie theatres (not the theatres themselves but the young people who inhabit them) I am sure I will finish it long before the film is released on DVD (I almost said video, I show my age all the time with that one).

Darling has made it through the first week and seems to be doing just fine. The job is tedious but details are important and it takes some skill to do the job in a timely fashion so that appeals to the perfectionist side of him. I, on the other hand, missed my PT appointment because I had it in my head that it was on Friday despite having written it on two calendars as Wednesday. So I stood in the PT office absolutely certain that this morning was my appointment. *Sigh* I HATE being so damned stupid about such things.

I suspect the day will continue to grind slowly along being Friday and all. With luck the boss will take pity on us again and allow an early release. My work load of late has been rather light so I am often trying to find things to fill the time. I feel guilty about not doing �company� business but the reality is there is at the moment nothing to do. In the past I have attempted to make use of this time to improve my skills in computer programs essential to my job or archive outdated data but even that is beginning to edge toward completion and so I am trying to stretch things out so as not to run out before the workload picks up. The good news is the customers are happy, with no complaints; the bad news is that leaves me at loose ends.

Oh well, time will grind on and the workday day will end so until then I wish you all a fine day

I wish you Peace


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