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2005-06-17 - 2:23 p.m.

I am gathering momentum in the big move of 2005. It seems that California insists on moving with me. I felt my first earthquake on Sunday, friends north of me enjoyed the earth dancing along with a tsunami warning on Tuesday, we rock and rolled yesterday afternoon and this morning the mantel under the Pacific saw fit to shift position. This has created a storm of predictions for �the big one�.

My parents (on the east coast) wanted to know what my plan was in case of tsunami. Since my new home is located on what is probably the highest ground in my ocean front community I suppose I will simply hang out and watch the water go by. Of course we would have to welcome into our home any and folks from low lying communities who seek refuge in higher ground. I was born in �the city of good neighbors�. Buffaloians will you welcome people in from the cold as a matter of course. I experienced a severe culture shock when I first arrived in Southern California. I was mystified by the total lack of interest Californians have for their neighbors. A California friend of mine had lived in his home for more than 7 years and never met his next door neighbor. He didn�t even know their names. How can this be?

When I purchased my first house the people on the street each sought me out, some bearing gifts, others just a smile, but the welcome was warm and sincere. Even at my second residence, located in a less than desirable area, the locals took time to say hello and introduce themselves. But here in California you are looked at suspiciously if you take the time to say hello. While I moved yesterday I crossed paths with no less than 4 of my direct neighbors and not one did more than nod at my greeting. Some folks ignored me entirely. I was stunned. I don�t get the feeling they are bad people, or inherently mean, I believe that they don�t know any better. It just is the way it is in California. You stay on your lawn and I�ll stay on mine. Even NYC has a friendlier lot of people.

I am missing a new friend from home, haven�t heard from him in a while. It has got me thinking. If something has happened to him there would be no notice. His diary would simply go untended until it was finally deleted due to inactivity. I have developed a number of internet friendships. Some people I have met and others that I might never meet in the flesh but are my friend none the less. I have decided that I need to place a stipulation in my living will to notify my 2D friends as to the date and condition of my demise so I will not disappear like a cat who has wandered away leaving folks to wonder as to my status. Rather than attempt to track my growing list of acquaintances I will simple give the e-mail address and password to my next of kin so that they may contact people with the information. It may seem morbid but I would want to know if someone I care about has moved on rather than speculate as to their motives for discontinuing contact.

You see I even need to connect with my internet neighbors. I just don�t get Californians.

I wish you Peace


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